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MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance認定試験は、60問の多肢選択問題から構成され、制限時間は90分です。試験はコンピュータベースであり、世界中の任意のPearson VUEテストセンターで受験することができます。試験に合格するためには、候補者は最低70%のスコアを取得する必要があります。
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MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance試験の準備方法|検証するMCPA-Level-1-Maintenance合格体験記試験|効率的なMuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1 MAINTENANCE試験勉強攻略
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MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1 MAINTENANCE 認定 MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance 試験問題 (Q57-Q62):
質問 # 57
An organization has several APIs that accept JSON data over HTTP POST. The APIs are all publicly available and are associated with several mobile applications and web applications.
The organization does NOT want to use any authentication or compliance policies for these APIs, but at the same time, is worried that some bad actor could send payloads that could somehow compromise the applications or servers running the API implementations.
What out-of-the-box Anypoint Platform policy can address exposure to this threat?
- A. Apply a Header injection and removal policy that detects the malicious data before it is used
- B. Apply a JSON threat protection policy to all APIs to detect potential threat vectors
- C. Apply an IP blacklist policy to all APIs; the blacklist will Include all bad actors
- D. Shut out bad actors by using HTTPS mutual authentication for all API invocations
Apply a JSON threat protection policy to all APIs to detect potential threat vectors
>> Usually, if the APIs are designed and developed for specific consumers (known consumers/customers) then we would IP Whitelist the same to ensure that traffic only comes from them.
>> However, as this scenario states that the APIs are publicly available and being used by so many mobile and web applications, it is NOT possible to identify and blacklist all possible bad actors.
>> So, JSON threat protection policy is the best chance to prevent any bad JSON payloads from such bad actors.
質問 # 58
Say, there is a legacy CRM system called CRM-Z which is offering below functions:
1. Customer creation
2. Amend details of an existing customer
3. Retrieve details of a customer
4. Suspend a customer
- A. Implement different system APIs named createCustomerInCRMZ, amendCustomerInCRMZ, retrieveCustomerFromCRMZ and suspendCustomerInCRMZ as they are modular and has seperation of concerns
- B. Implement a system API named customerManagement which has all the functionalities wrapped in it as various operations/resources
- C. Implement different system APIs named createCustomer, amendCustomer, retrieveCustomer and suspendCustomer as they are modular and has seperation of concerns
Implement different system APIs named createCustomer, amendCustomer, retrieveCustomer
and suspendCustomer as they are modular and has seperation of concerns
>> It is quite normal to have a single API and different Verb + Resource combinations. However, this fits well for an Experience API or a Process API but not a best architecture style for System APIs. So, option with just one customerManagement API is not the best choice here.
>> The option with APIs in createCustomerInCRMZ format is next close choice w.r.t modularization and less maintenance but the naming of APIs is directly coupled with the legacy system. A better foreseen approach would be to name your APIs by abstracting the backend system names as it allows seamless replacement/migration of any backend system anytime. So, this is not the correct choice too.
>> createCustomer, amendCustomer, retrieveCustomer and suspendCustomer is the right approach and is the best fit compared to other options as they are both modular and same time got the names decoupled from backend system and it has covered all requirements a System API needs.
質問 # 59
Which of the below, when used together, makes the IT Operational Model effective?
- A. Create reusable assets, Do marketing on the created assets across organization, Arrange time to time LOB reviews to ensure assets are being consumed or not
- B. Create reusable assets, Make them discoverable so that LOB teams can self-serve and browse the APIs, Get active feedback and usage metrics
- C. Create resuable assets, make them discoverable so that LOB teams can self-serve and browse the APIs
Create reusable assets, Make them discoverable so that LOB teams can self-serve and browse the APIs, Get active feedback and usage metrics.
Diagram, arrow Description automatically generated
質問 # 60
Traffic is routed through an API proxy to an API implementation. The API proxy is managed by API Manager and the API implementation is deployed to a CloudHub VPC using Runtime Manager. API policies have been applied to this API. In this deployment scenario, at what point are the API policies enforced on incoming API client requests?
- A. At the API proxy
- B. At both the API proxy and the API implementation
- C. At a MuleSoft-hosted load balancer
- D. At the API implementation
At the API proxy
>> API Policies can be enforced at two places in Mule platform.
>> One - As an Embedded Policy enforcement in the same Mule Runtime where API implementation is running.
>> Two - On an API Proxy sitting in front of the Mule Runtime where API implementation is running.
>> As the deployment scenario in the question has API Proxy involved, the policies will be enforced at the API Proxy.
質問 # 61
An organization wants to make sure only known partners can invoke the organization's APIs. To achieve this security goal, the organization wants to enforce a Client ID Enforcement policy in API Manager so that only registered partner applications can invoke the organization's APIs. In what type of API implementation does MuleSoft recommend adding an API proxy to enforce the Client ID Enforcement policy, rather than embedding the policy directly in the application's JVM?
- A. A Mule 4 application with an API specification
- B. A Mule 3 application using APIkit
- C. A Non-Mule application
- D. A Mule 3 or Mule 4 application modified with custom Java code
A Non-Mule application
>> All type of Mule applications (Mule 3/ Mule 4/ with APIkit/ with Custom Java Code etc) running on Mule Runtimes support the Embedded Policy Enforcement on them.
>> The only option that cannot have or does not support embedded policy enforcement and must have API Proxy is for Non-Mule Applications.
So, Non-Mule application is the right answer.
質問 # 62
CertJukenさまざまな試験(MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance試験など)の準備中に生産性を上げるのに無力だと感じたとき。 散発的な時間を最大限に活用し、先延ばしを避けることが困難な場合。 これらの煩わしさを解決し、より効率的かつ生産的な方法でMCPA-Level-1-Maintenance証明書を取得するのに役立つMCPA-Level-1-Maintenanceテスト準備の重要性を認識する時が来ました。 MuleSoftのMCPA-Level-1-Maintenance試験の質問で20〜30時間学習する限り、MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance試験を確実にMuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1 MAINTENANCE受験して合格することができます。
あなたの目標を達成するためにMCPA-Level-1-Maintenance学習教材を使用する場合、私たちは光栄に思います、MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance合格体験記 だから躊躇する必要は全くありませんが、XHS1991.COMのサイトを訪問して、詳しい情況を了解して、あなたに試験合格を助かってあげますようにお願いします、我々の優秀なMCPA-Level-1-Maintenanceテストエンジンだけでなく、良いカスタマーサービスを提供します、MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance合格体験記 IT業界ではさらに強くなるために強い専門知識が必要です、MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance合格体験記 その権威性は言うまでもありません、また、MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance問題集は的中率が高いです。
あ 少女が声を出す、──倍返しにしてやるから 後半、声に殺気が籠もっていて思わず身震いしてしまう、あなたの目標を達成するためにMCPA-Level-1-Maintenance学習教材を使用する場合、私たちは光栄に思います、だから躊躇する必要は全くありませんが、XHS1991.COM (のサイトを訪問して、詳しい情況を了解して、あなたに試験合格を助かってあげますようにお願いします。
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