What are the legendary mysteries of emerald and its jewellery?
Emerald, the enchanting green stone has enough stories to pique the fascination of one and all. Right from its spellbinding green color that radiates magnificence to being the symbol of spring, rebirth, calmness and fertility. Some legends even suggest that one’s vision is restored or the eyes are soothed just by gazing at it for a while.

Then there is Queen Cleopatra who was especially known for her personal collection of the same specific gemstone jewellery. It was intended to be more than just a demonstration of wealth and power. The Emerald helped her build and strengthen international ties. Hindus in India have a strong belief that if emeralds were offered to Lord Krishna, they would be handsomely rewarded in time. Fascinating, isn’t it? Take a seat, because more intriguing details are written below…

Even as gemstone jewellery, Emerald is still cloaked in so much mystery. Because beyond its color and value, Emerald seems to have a connection with the physical as well as the mental aspects of the body. Indeed, there is no scientific evidence to prove it; psychological studies related to the mystical Emerald have shown that wearers feel a warm positive energy whenever they are wearing its gemstone jewellery. It makes them calmer, more confident and their beauty stands out. There’s more, it places a good emphasis on creativity, artistic talents, language proficiency and inventiveness. It even enhances the ability to speak with ease, style and expressiveness.


Other tales spoke of Emerald as something that calmed the senses and helped one relax at will. It was believed that those who wore Emerald jewellery were endowed with wisdom and the ability to see the future. Rome’s renowned author, Pliny The Elder, aptly described the Emerald in his encyclopedia's ‘Natural History’ as “Nothing is greener than an Emerald and there is no way to invigorate the eyes than to you look at the such a gem, its soothing, comforting color having the power to remove fatigue and lack of energy.” And recent studies have proved the before mentioned statement by saying that the green reduces the effects of stress and gives the eyes suitable rest.

Unlike diamonds, emeralds are considered to be delicate depending on their quality, especially amongst Singapore jewelers. As a result of its rarity, the most beautiful emeralds are considered to be more valuable than diamonds in the same quality range.


The mysteries go on and on and the more you discover, the more you are compelled to research further. Such is the power of Emerald. It draws you to make it a part of your jewellery collection. We know you are attracted to it, which is why your next destination should be Infiniti Jewels, one of the best Singapore jewelers who have the most exquisite Emerald Jewellery, crafted to your liking. We await your arrival.