Having defect in Hardwood? Ask the experts.
Wood flooring claims often arise as a result of unexpected performance or installation issues that become evident prior to, during, or any time after the flooring installation. Some of the most common wood flooring claims involve a dimensional change of the product resulting from moisture change. They show up in the form of gaps between boards, cupping, crowning, and buckling.

Other commonly encountered issues include excessive noise/squeaks, scratches, indentations, peeling finish, color change, splits, cracks, checks, delamination, and improper maintenance. These issues will often necessitate the need to have an expert hardwood flooring inspector examine and test the floor, in order to evaluate and determine the cause for the condition. Certified Floor Covering Inspectors go through specialized training, which equips them with advanced knowledge in the field of wood science, manufacturing processes, moisture relationships, installation, sand, and finish. The expert wood flooring inspector understands the intricacies of problems, causes, and cures related to wood flooring claims.

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