The Value of Minerals in Drinking Water
Water that is suitable for drinking and cooking is referred to as drinking water. In addition to being crucial for human existence, water is also important for the body to operate at its best.

If that weren't enough, it's the primary component of all bodily fluids, including saliva, blood, synovial fluid, and urine. Water intake is associated with improved health in many different ways. Many of us don't give water the respect it deserves and don't fully understand what it accomplishes for our bodies. 

While H2O is the chemical formula of water, it is crucial to realize that natural water also includes trace amounts of minerals and other vital substances. In fact, studies have shown that water is a very important source of minerals for the human body. This is due to the fact that ionized minerals and trace elements contained in the water are readily absorbed by the body.

What Are the Health Advantages of Drinking Water?

Controls Body Temperature

Being hydrated is crucial for maintaining a healthy internal temperature. As the body temperature rises, the water held in the dermal layer of the skin rises to the epidermis and escapes as perspiration. On the other hand, when we are cold, our bodies retain water, which serves to keep us warm.

Water Aids in Weight Reduction

If you want to reduce weight, drinking enough water is also crucial. Water might help you feel full before a meal, preventing you from eating too much.

Gives the Body the Minerals and Nutrients It Needs

Minerals and nutrients like potassium and magnesium are necessary for human health. These minerals are easily absorbed by the body since they are dissolved in water. Consuming mineral-rich water helps prevent disease and strengthen your immune system.

Improves Skin Health

Dullness, wrinkles, and an increased risk of skin illnesses may all result from dehydration and excessive oil production from the oil glands. You may avoid these illnesses entirely by maintaining a healthy water intake on a daily basis.

Minimizes Kidney Damage

Drinking mineral water is essential for maintaining healthy kidney function. Kidney stones and other kidney issues might develop if the kidneys don't have enough fluid in the body.

Minerals in Drinking Water

There are a total of 21 minerals that humans need to function properly, including the macronutrients calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and several trace elements.

Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth, magnesium is necessary for a healthy nervous system and bones, iron is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, potassium is necessary for healthy muscles and nerves, zinc is necessary for a healthy immune system, and sodium is necessary for proper cellular hydration.

Most people get all the minerals they need through a healthy, well-rounded diet, but certain minerals found in water are more easily absorbed than those found in food. Natural mineral water may be a vital source of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals. Calcium and magnesium in mineral water are highly bioavailable, so our bodies can use them effectively.

According to one research, drinking magnesium-rich mineral water may help ensure enough magnesium intake without adding more calories.

Minerals found in drinking water may considerably augment food consumption. Calcium and magnesium may be absorbed better via water than through food since their bioavailability is often higher in water than in food. This is because other ingredients in food react with these minerals to create compounds, reducing the bioavailability of the minerals. However, not all water sources are abundant in minerals, which are necessary for healthy water.

Mineral water is drawn from subterranean aquifers that have been naturally cleansed by the soil bed and enriched with the rarest minerals found in nature. This water, however, requires further purifying procedures since it is unfit for human consumption. Many methods of water treatment remove healthy minerals.

Reverse osmosis (RO) and boiling water are two of the most used water purification methods. RO water filters are designed to extract minerals that are crucial to sustaining our health in addition to pollutants from the water. The resultant water either lacks essential minerals or contains them only in minute concentrations.


Understanding the treatment methods used on your drinking water is crucial for obtaining sufficient mineral intake from it. Total dissolved solids (TDS) in drinking water should be below certain values. Switch to mineral-rich or dissolved-mineral water if you're drinking water that has been purified using RO or other techniques.