How to Tell If You're Hydrated
Is there a recommended daily intake of water? Most individuals think that eight glasses per day is sufficient for good health and digestion.

That's a great rule of thumb, but the reality is that everyone's water intake should be tailored to their individual needs. It's likely that the recommended daily intake of water for one person varies from that of their partner, sibling, and colleague.

Take Attention To Your Skin Suppleness

The flexibility of your skin (its "turgor") is a good indicator of how well-hydrated you are. For a few seconds, pinch the skin at the back of your hand and then let go. If your skin turgor quickly returns to normal after being stretched, you are likely well hydrated. It's a sign of dehydration if it's slow to go back to its regular place. Drinking water can help you achieve a smoother, more radiant complexion. Dizziness, foggy thinking, and exhaustion are further signs of dehydration.

Check The Frequency And Colour Of Your Urine.




If you are trying to figure out how much water you're drinking, you may want to examine your pee first. The frequency and colour of your urination are excellent indicators of your hydration status. The average frequency of urination is 90 minutes to two hours. If you only urinate once every six hours or longer and your pee is a dark amber colour, you may not be drinking enough water. It's possible that you're receiving too much water if you have to go to the toilet every 30 minutes and your pee is absolutely clear.