Causes of dark spots on lips and their home remedies | by procarewing | Aug, 2022 | Medium
Black spots on lips can be cured with natural remedies. These spots can be deeply unsightly and force you to wear lipstick all the time…

Causes of dark spots on lips and their home remedies | by procarewing | Aug, 2022 | Medium

Aug 24

Causes of dark spots on lips and their home remedies

Black spots onlips can be cured with natural remedies. These spots can be deeply unsightly and force you to wear lipstick all the time. But makeup can only be a temporary solution and can sometimes be responsible for lip discolouration. A better way to deal with them is to use natural and safe ingredients like lemon, honey, cucumber and pomegranate.

Before we consider the treatment options for dark spots on lips, we need to know what are the main causes, following are some of the reasons that lead to the formation of these spots on lips.

1-Vitamin B deficiency

Whenever you notice a change in the texture or appearance of your lips, hair or nails, the main reason is a lack of important vitamins and minerals.

In this case, dark spots on the lips may be the result of vitamin B deficiency. Consult a doctor and get treatment if you are suffering from any vitamin deficiency to avoid other complications.

2-Using old lip products

Using old lipsticks or lip balms that have passed their expiration date is another cause of dark spots. Always make sure you double-check the expiration date of your favourite lip product to avoid black spots.

3-Excessive drinking and smoking

Harmful chemicals in tobacco can easily damage your lips. Alcohol can disrupt the normal functioning of the body and cause dark spots on the lips.

4-Excess iron in the body

This medical condition also causes dark spots that make the lips look unhealthy. A simple blood test can tell you if you have too much iron in your body. After that, you can consult your doctor for treatment.

5-Hormonal imbalance

Our body needs all hormones to function effectively. Sometimes, these spots can be an indication of hormonal imbalance in the body and may require treatment.

1-Apple Cider Vinegar

Dip a cotton ball in vinegar and apply it to the affected area. Leave it on for a minute or two. It can be applied twice or thrice a day.

2-Almond oil

The nourishing fats in this oil hydrate the lips and relieve dryness that can cause blemishes. Almond oil also has mild bleaching properties that can lighten blemishes. Massage the oil on the lips using clean fingers.

Lemon and honey for dark spots on lips

Take two drops of lemon juice and two drops of honey

Mix both and apply this mixture to your lip spots.

Let it dry for about 10 minutes and then wash it off.

The bleaching properties of lemon juice are beneficial for lightening dark spots. Lemon is also an antiseptic agent. Honey helps in moisturizing the lips and removes dryness

Take one tablespoon of pomegranate seeds and 1/4 teaspoon of rose water or milk cream

Mash the pomegranate seeds and add rose water to them.

Mix well and apply this paste to the lips.

Gently rub the paste on your lips for 2 to 3 minutes.

Wash it off with water.

Pomegranate can moisturize the lips and also help in curing dark spots. It can do this by improving the skin cell regeneration process and encouraging circulation

Take a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice.

Add lemon juice to sugar and rub your lips with this mixture.

Keep scrubbing for 3–4 minutes and then wash it off.

Use this scrub twice or thrice a week.

Chinese Hakka scrub removes black and dead cells from lips and leaves them looking fresh and rosy. They also promote new cell growth

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