10 Effective Strategies to Reduce Food Cravings
It's noteworthy to note that desires for food sometimes come from your brain rather than your stomach. Actually, our desires for fat, sugar, and salt go back to the Stone Age.

Early humans consumed salty foods (needed to help their bodies preserve fluid) as well as sweet plants (safe to eat) and fatty meat (a good way to meet their calorie requirements), but these items aren't always simple to find.

Therefore, whenever our ancestors did acquire them, their brains recognised that they had made a wise decision, training them to crave more to ensure survival. Despite the ease with which food may now be obtained, this instinctual drive still exists.


Our desires are influenced by how we are feeling, including boredom, tension, worry, and loneliness. Our neurotransmitters, the brain chemicals in charge of sending messages throughout the body, are impacted by certain meals and even lifestyle decisions.


Sometimes people may eat to make themselves feel better. For instance, because they raise serotonin levels, carbohydrates have a relaxing impact. When we are hungry, leptin and ghrelin tell our brain whether to store extra calories as body fat or use them for energy.


How to Stop Craving Food ?

1. Identifying and breaking patterns of eating cravings. Because it is associated in your mind with a stimulus like watching a favorite TV show, being depressed, or feeling lonely, you crave a certain food.

2. Adhere to a healthy eating plan to lessen the temptation to seek out the items you are trying to avoid to lessen or perhaps eliminate your cravings.


3. Limit your overall calorie intake, especially by avoiding foods made with sugar and white bread. The desire for food will lessen or even end as a result.


4. Avoid giving in to temptation. Don't make it more difficult on yourself if you can't stop at one. Foods like cookies, chips, and salty snacks should not be kept about the house.


5. Steer clear of situations where you could be lured. Find another show to watch if you consume popcorn while watching a particular TV programme. Stop the cycle of mindless chewing.


6. In a similar vein, if passing by your favourite street vendor or snack shop every day makes you more ravenous, find a different route.


7. When you feel hungry, drink water. Some people may crave salty meals when they are dehydrated. So just hydrate yourself more. It might fill you up and take your thoughts off of your cravings for food. To make it simple to meet your fluid demands, always have a water bottle on you.


8. Avoid going longer than five hours without eating because this can result in a dip in blood sugar and the onset of cravings. Eat a low-calorie, low-fat snack, such as a small peach, 15 grapes, 2 cups of microwaved light popcorn, etc.


9. Adjust your diet to accommodate your cravings. Use them solely in the midst of meals as a 100-calorie reward allotment. Eat them as meals, not as snacks.


10. Make sure your meals are varied. Eat a variety of meals and avoid eating the same thing every day. Try a new recipe and go on a culinary adventure.


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