Is It Safe to Drink the Tap Water During Monsoon?
Hearing the first drops of monsoon rain after a long, hot summer is cause for celebration. Yet, the danger of numerous illnesses is also brought forth by the monsoon.

When water sits stagnant on the ground for an extended period of time after a rainfall, it may seep into broken pipes, underground storage tanks, and other such places, contaminating the water supply and raising the risk of water-borne diseases.

How Tap Water Becomes Contaminated In Monsoon

In many large urban areas, water pipes are buried underground. Water from the subsoil flows through broken pipes and into the drinking water supply during the monsoon. Underground storage tanks in several apartment complexes and other structures may be leaking toxic water.

Second, the deterioration of ancient pipes underneath may cause metals to be released into the water supply. The possibility of metal contamination rises as a result of this.

During the monsoon, sewage waterlines and drinking water lines may get intertwined, posing a serious health risk to both. Disease-causing germs like those found in human or animal feces may cause serious health problems.

Is The Water From Your Tap Safe To Drink?

Several Indian towns are now making their water supply drinkable to keep up with international norms. Mumbai, a major metropolis, is one of them. Officials from Mumbai's municipal government have said that the city's water supply is safe to consume. While the water may have been filtered at the source, contamination is still possible due to the location of certain water pipes in the city (on the ground) and the proximity of others (near sewage lines).

Water from the tap in an apartment may not be safe to drink if the septic tank is not regularly serviced.

Advice on how to drink healthy water during monsoon

People should pay more attention to their water supply during monsoons. "Many individuals find it easier to just drink water straight from the kitchen sink. Yet, they fail to recognize the high probability that monsoon-related illnesses like diarrhea, typhoid, jaundice, etc., are spread by contaminated tap water.


Here are a few methods to check whether your water supply is safe for human consumption:


  • It's a common misconception that water pollution comes from outside sources; therefore, it's important to keep your apartment's plumbing system clean. To prevent germs and other dangerous particles from making their way into your drinking water, it is important to regularly flush your apartment's water tank and pipe system.
  • Water should be purified before consumption; using water directly from the tap is not recommended. Disease-causing microbes might be present in municipal water supplies. Although heating water is a simple method for disinfecting it, it may be easily polluted again if the pot is not brought to a full rolling boil or the lid is not tightly sealed. Second, the high cost is a direct result of the high quantity of cooking gas it requires.
  • Domestic water purifiers are another option for water purification; just make sure you keep them well-maintained so they can perform their job properly. In order to remove the hard salts from the water, RO filters also get rid of the beneficial minerals. So, drinking mineral water on occasion may aid in keeping the body's mineral balance stable.
  • Instead of buying fruit juice or sherbet from street sellers, who may be using dirty water and ice, bring a water bottle from home or stick to tender coconut water while you're on the go.
  • Don't drink water from unknown or untrustworthy sources since it may not have been properly purified. Their water could not be drinkable even if it doesn't smell or taste bad since it's polluted with germs. If you're worried about your health, don't buy imported bottled water. Instead, choose bottled mineral water from a reputable company to ensure it has been well purified and meets all quality criteria.