200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh
Hatha Yoga is a type of yoga that uses the physical body and the exterior aura to achieve greater levels of consciousness. It is practised at a slower speed than other types of yoga.

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

The 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India, lasts 28 days. The 200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh provides a solid foundation for furthering your understanding of yoga techniques. Yoga has been extremely popular in the modern era, primarily for its physical practises, while other vital components of yoga have been overlooked. We combine a well-rounded study of yoga and spirituality into our yoga teachings in our Yoga TTC. Our programme encourages our students' personal and spiritual development.

Traditional Hatha Yoga, Astanga Vinyasa, and Kundalini Yoga are the foundations of our 200-hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh. The training is appropriate for both beginning and intermediate yoga practitioners. Hari Om Yoga Vidya School follows the divine path for learning yoga in its most natural and best form. You receive an incredible method of linking your journey with your inner spirit.

The 200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh will serve as a stepping stone into the world of yoga as a teacher. It might be about any of the yoga forms. Consider Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Kundalini yoga, or Vinyasa yoga. You will be able to teach courses once you have completed the course. A certification from one of the greatest yoga schools, such as Hari Om Yoga Vidya, can also provide you with a RYT certification as well as a Yoga Alliance recognised certificate. More information regarding this element of the course can be found here.

Before you begin thinking about your future options after completing this programme, you need understand the course framework. The curriculum consists of asanas (poses). Poses are extremely significant in the yogic discipline, as a physically healthy body is required for enlightenment. Various yoga forms include a range of sequences. In some forms, you will hold static stances, while in others, you will effortlessly transition from one pose to the next.

On the basis of the certification levels of the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh,  you will also learn about various mudras and bandhas. Consider the mudras Gyan mudra and Vayu mudra, which can also be used to solve physical difficulties. You will also learn about bandhas such as Mulabandha. Jalndhara Bandha and Uddhiyana Bandha Well! That's not everything. Theoretical knowledge is also required for yogic education. The programme also includes yoga anatomy and physiology, alignments, correction, and yoga philosophy.

Benefits of 200 Hour Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

When you enrol in a course at one of Rishikesh's most respected and best Yoga schools, you are guaranteed to be nourished to the core. Follow a life at the ashram in the midst of the serene Himalayas and calm streams. A sattvic diet will transform your entire being and connect you to the universe. Anyone seeking for a mid-career transition and wanting to become a Yogi or Yogini can benefit from the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher training in Rishikesh.

You will be able to master the fundamentals of meditation and mantras after completing the training. Teaching yoga to a group of students needs a great deal of stamina and mental fortitude. Even after completing the instruction, you can return to your guru or trainer to clarify any questions. You can also get them cleared over the phone or online. Aside from learning the modalities, you should also practise them at your leisure. This will assist you in evolving. Yoga is a lifelong study, not simply a month-long course. As you immerse yourself in it, you will begin to discover its benefits.