What are Benefits of Basil Seeds
Basil Benefits, Explore the amazing benefits of basil seeds and leaves for your great health care.

What are Benefits of Basil Seeds

Basil benefits have been mentioned in the Ayurveda written centuries ago. It is a medicinal herb used to treat quite many problems in our bodies. It has made quite a journey from being taken as a medicine to finding its rightful place in the kitchen cabinet.


Scientific name: Ocimum basilicum

Now it is used as an herb to enhance the flavor of dishes. In India, it is worshipped as the holy plant ‘Tulsi'. People still have it in their homes. It purifies the air around us. (1)


Let us find out more about these benefits of basil,


1. Treats SKIN conditions:


Basil's benefits include the use of its essential oil for external applications. Basil is a medicinal herb traditionally used to treat skin infections, rashes, or allergies. It also cleans up facial acne.


2. Maintaining Liver Health:


Basil has a detoxifying effect on the body. It cleans the system and avoids fats to accumulate in the liver. This helps to prevent liver and stomach-related diseases. Too much alcohol consumption puts the liver at risk. A few leaves of basil a day can help to keep the liver safe and robust.


3. Cures Stomach aches:


An upset tummy can be due to many reasons such as indigestion, gas, or acidity. Drinking basil leaves soaked in warm water helps to soothe the stomach from within and resolve any digestion or unnecessary trouble.


4. Helps to Clot Blood faster:


If we’re looking at the benefits of basil, we simply can’t ignore this one. Since it has high vitamin K content, it helps in quicker blood clotting. So it is extremely useful in healing wounds faster. Vitamin K repairs damaged cells and speed up the recovery process.


5. Basil seeds to control body heat:


The seeds of the basil plant are also highly beneficial. They have cooling properties and can be consumed by soaking them in water for a few hours. This helps to deal with body heat problems. Basil seed water cools down the body temperature and helps to give relief from sunstroke.


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6. Acts as an Antibacterial Mouthwash:


This is another one of raw basil benefits.Basil leaves can be chewed raw to clean the mouth and get rid of built-up bacteria. It improves your breath and leaves you feeling refreshed. It has a minty flavor and can be used instead of mouthwash.


7. Helps to treat motion sickness:


If you're ever facing motion sickness and feel like you're about to vomit, drinking basil water can immediately calm down the acid reflux (2) in the throat. It instantly diminishes nausea and soothes the stomach. It can also be consumed before a long travel journey to avoid motion sickness.


8. Basil oil can help to improve concentration:


The benefits of basilcan also be seen in terms of focus and meditation. It can be used in an oil diffuser to spray in a room. The oil has properties to relax our senses and help us concentrate better. Many yoga enthusiasts use it during their meditation sessions to calm their minds.


9. Works as a laxative:


The raw pulp of basil can be taken along with warm water to empty the stomach and clean the intestines. It helps to facilitate smoother digestion and can be taken as a laxative.


10. Reduces the chances of epilepsy:


Basil contains manganese which is an important element required in small quantities in the body. Manganese works in sync with our nervous system and brain and helps to avoid seizures caused by epilepsy. It regulates brain function to avoid any abnormalities.

Final Note

For all those who are new to this small but multipurpose herb, this list of basil benefits will surely prove to be useful. Like in the old era, starting your day with a leaf of basil will help to keep your health fit as a fiddle throughout the day.


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