10 amazing fact about
Pakistan was created out of the first letters of the Pakistan people's homelands ofJob. Afghani a cashmere Iran sin to karastan and Afghanistan...

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The place where future billionaires come to get inspired. Hello. A Luxor is and welcome to another exciting original video presented by a today. We're revealing some interesting and surprising facts about the Southeast Asian country of Pakistan. 

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, as it's officially known, is bordered by India Afghanistan Iran. China. And the Arabian Sea. The territory where current day?

 Pakistan is located as the site of several ancient cultures and later kingdoms ruled by Hindus Muslims , Afghans, Sikhs and others. It has been ruled by various Empires and dynasties including most recently.

 The British Empire, Pakistan is the only Muslim country that has been created in the name of Islam and it gained its independence. As a result of the Pakistan movement led by Muhammad Ali. Jinnah on August 14th. 47. 

After the United Kingdom. Agreed to the partitioning of India. If you're new here, welcome. Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Pinterest at a Luxe.

 Okay, that's enough with the background info. It's time to take a closer look at this fasci nating country with the 10 things you didn't know about Pakistan.

City of Pakistan Islamabad
City of Pakistan Islamabad

  Pakistan is the fifth, most populous country in the world

 Pakistan has a population of over two hundred and ten million people as of the end of 2017. Which makes 

Fifth, most populated country in the World Behind China, India and the United States and Indonesia. It's population is expected to be over 290 Million by 2050 number to 60% of footballs are made in Pakistan, Sialkot is a relatively small City in Punjab. Pakistan exports about two billion dollars worth of goods per year, about 10% of Pakistan's total exports notably. 

football's manufacture

See Alcott is the world's largest Producer of hand-sewn footballs or plug your ears, real quick. If you're not American soccer balls as they're referred to in the u.s. their local factories manufacture between 40 and 60 million football's a year which is roughly 60 percent of the world population.

 See Alcott is the world's largest Center of surgical instrument manufacturing as well.

Pakistani leather football
Pakistani leather football

 Pakistan means land of the pure name.

 Pakistan was created out of the first letters of the Pakistan people's homelands ofJob. Afghani a cashmere Iran sin to karastan and Afghanistan and the last several letters of their other Homeland balochistan. 

The word Pakistan also means land of the pure in Urdu and Persian.


the Kuru salt. Mine in Pakistan


is the largest and oldest salt, mine in the world. Sakura salt. Mine is located in Korea, in the Punjab region of Pakistan.

 It was discovered in 320 BC and it Remains the World's oldest and largest salt mine. It's a major tourist attraction in Pakistan with about 250,000 visitors annually. It also produces 350,000 tons of salt every year and is the country's largest source of salt. 

Estimates of the salt reserves remaining in the mind range from 82 million to 600 million tons. 


youngest Nobel Peace Prize. 

winner came from Pakistan, Malala. Yousufzai became the world. Youngest Nobel Laureate in history in 2014, receiving the Nobel Peace Prize when she was just 17 years old. As a young teenager Malala defied, the Taliban in Pakistan and fought for girls to receive an education. 

Her activism resulted in the Taliban issuing a death threat against her when she was 15 years old. She was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman but she survived and became an even more outspoken advocate for all children to have equal access to education.

 Malala is Is one of only two Nobel Prize winners that have come from Pakistan, the other was Abdus Salam, who won the award for physics in 1979.

Malala yousuf the youngest Nobel Peace award
Malala yousafzai

Pakistan sixth largest military

As of 2017, Pakistan has over 650,000, active, military members, making it. The sixth largest armed forces in the World Behind China. India and the United States, as well as North Korea and Russia, the Pakistani military is .

One supporting UN peacekeeping. Pakistan also has some of the best trained Air Force pilots in the world.

  Pakistan had the first female prime minister 

of any Muslim country Benazir Bhutto served as the prime minister of Pakistan from 1988 to 1990 and again, from 1993 to 1996 making her the first woman to head, a democratic government in a muslim-majority nation, tragically Buddha was assassinated in 2007. 

As she was waving to a crowd from an opening in the roof. Oof of her, bulletproof car, an unidentified man fired, three shots at her and then detonated, the suicide vest. He was wearing fatally injuring, the Prime Minister. 

Benazir Bhutto
Benazir Bhutto


Pakistan would not give permission to film Zero.

 Dark Thirty in their country leader of al-Qaeda. Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 2nd, 2011, by US Special Forces during a raid in abbottabad. Pakistan, the 2012 film Zero Dark Thirty was dramatic depiction of the hunt for bin Laden a 

For the September 11th attacks and his eventual death at the hands of SEAL Team Six, although Pakistan was obviously an important backdrop for the story.

 The filmmakers request to film in the country were denied by the government. Instead, the Pakistani scenes were filmed in India, which brought protests, from Hindu nationalist party members who objected to Pakistani locations being portrayed on Indian soil. The film was widely acclaimed and was one of the most successful movies of 2012 at the box office. 

Pakistan is one of two Muslim countries that open military combat jobs to women.

 Women have been fighting in the Pakistani military ever since the country was founded in 1947. Currently, there are about 4,000 women in active duty, in the Pakistani Armed Forces, including female fighter pilots, as of 2006, Pakistan is the only Muslim majority country other than turkey to allow females to hold combat roles within the military.

 Marvel super hero 

Male Pakistani, American superhero, Kamala Khan. Who was the superhero name of Miss. Marvel is a teenage Pakistani American superhero character that debuted in August 2013. 

Becoming Marvel's first Muslim character to headline their own comic book Khan has shape-shifting abilities and in human genes. Miss Marvel volume 1. No, normal was the best-selling graphic novel in October 2014 and it reached number two on the New York Times bestseller list of graphic books. If you want to learn some more fascinating facts about the comic book giant, click on the upper right hand corner to watch our video of 15 things. You didn't know about Marvel.

10 amazing fact about pakistan || 10 things you didn't know about Pakistan

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