ax accounting of fixed assets is a mandatory procedure for all legal entities. It should be noted that fixed assets are subject to accounting, where they are, regardless of the type of activity and the way the business is conducted.

ax accounting of fixed assets is a mandatory procedure for all legal entities. It should be noted that fixed assets are subject to accounting, where they are, regardless of the type of activity and the way the business is conducted. Fixed assets are divided into specific types, and different methods and tools are used to perform this task.


Tax accounting of fixed assets is an inevitable procedure for various companies and organizations. There are currently two ways to account for OS:


  • tax.

  • Accounting.


All functions of the implementation of these records are performed by full-time accountants of organizations.

Actual nuances of tax accounting of fixed assets

Legal entities produce 2 types of OS accounting: accounting and tax. These varieties have many similarities and differences. Similarities lie in the regulatory framework, the implementation procedure, and the sequence of accounting. Tax accounting is regulated by the Tax Agent in Melbourne

The differences are as follows:


  • Definition of fixed assets.

  • Depreciation methods.

  • Formation of the initial cost.

  • Implementation of the revaluation.


Competent maintenance of tax reporting of fixed assets is impossible without the availability of specialized knowledge, professionalism, and competence of specialists.


Errors in the tax reporting of fixed assets can result in serious consequences for the entrepreneur, including financial ones. To minimize the risks, it is recommended to contact the professional specialists of Capital Tax Advice. It is not recommended to produce tax reporting of fixed assets on your own.

Classification of fixed assets

All fixed assets contained on the balance sheet of an enterprise or organization are considered inventory items. They are classified according to:


  • Legal status (owned, leased, rented, operational management, or economic management).

  • The principle of operation (autonomous, fully managed by employees of the company, or partially automated).

  • Stages of application (decommissioned, used, or new).

  • Origin (man-made or natural).

  • The intensity of use (active or active, in stock, mothballed or inactive).

  • Functional purpose (industrial and non-industrial).


In the process of maintaining tax accounting for fixed assets, all categories of fixed assets are displayed without fail, on the condition that these funds are used by the business entity for the production of products, the management of certain processes, etc.


Methods and features of accounting

Tax accounting is performed using linear and non-linear methods. The first method is considered to be universal. It is considered the best tool for writing off fixed assets.


The organization of tax accounting of fixed assets is not an easy task. Its implementation requires the relevant knowledge and competencies from the performers, in addition, they must be fluent in the regulatory framework. If this business is handled by the professionals of the "Capital Tax Advice", then you are guaranteed the complete absence of errors and the occurrence of any problems in the tax. In addition, we are happy to prepare and submit reports to the tax service.


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