Stubble might be a great option if you need more time to commit to a full beard. Stubble is functional and attractively rough between clean-shaven and a short beard.

Beards have long been a sign of power and strength, dating back to the ancient Greeks and the loggers of nineteenth-century America. Nevertheless, in current times, beards have evolved into much more than simply a symbol of manhood; they've also developed into a fashion statement incorporating various shapes and trends. There is a range of beard trim styles for guys to pick from, whether you want something classic or modern and hipster-like.


1. Stubble Beard Style

Stubble might be a great option if you need more time to commit to a full beard. Stubble is functional and attractively rough between clean-shaven and a short beard. 

The ideal stubble can take a few days to a couple of weeks to grow, depending on your hair growth.


2. Shaved Beard

Whether you want to keep cool in the summer weather or if your employer has decided that lengthy beards don't 'work' in their office, a short beard is an option. It's a great method for many men to try something new while keeping rough, manly facial hair. Keep the hair on the cheeks and neck short and properly combed for a short beard. Frequent grooming is necessary to keep your Beard looking polished rather than uneven.

3. Beard Trim

A fuller beard may look great when done correctly, but proceed cautiously. Be patient, as it takes time to master the lengthier Beard. Additionally, keep your grooming in mind. You want to ensure your hair is properly groomed so you don't appear like Tom Hanks in Castaway. Ensure your barber gets your haircuts correctly - go for more current, young designs to avoid an aged appearance. Beard oil is also recommended to prevent irritation and dryness and make your beard hair more manageable.

4. Beard with a Ducktail

The ducktail beard is both masculine and fashionable. The moniker comes from the fact that he has a long beard that resembles a duck's tail.


The style has a pointed appearance at the chin and is best worn between two and four inches. It flatters most facial types and may be adjusted slightly to your liking with varied thicknesses. The ducktail beard has the advantage of being more refined and simpler to wear than some bold types. Yet, the perfection of the aesthetic necessitates a bit more upkeep. To keep your Beard looking good, you should maintain it regularly.