What is Email Marketing? in 2022
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Email Marketing is a form of marketing that creates one-to-one communication with the audience and makes them aware of new products, offers and services. It also plays an essential role in a company’s marketing strategy with lead generation, keeping customers engaged and building a community around their brand through newsletter or marketing emails. It is one of the oldest forms of communication, and is popular when it comes to usage as it is extremely cost effective. In fact, a 2015 study by the DMA found that for every

$1 spent, email has an average $38 return on investment (ROI).

Modern Email Marketing focuses more on email segmentation and personalised emails as it provides more relevant content and creates a positive communication experience. This process can be time-consuming, but email marketing tools help in developing effective marketing campaigns. Some of the Email Marketing tools are:

1.     Mailchimp

2.     HubSpot

3.     Sender

4.     Get Response

5.     Sendinblue

Importance of Email Marketing Tools:

Measuring Campaign performance: With the help of email marketing tools, it is easy to measure metrics like bounce rate, conversions, etc. These campaign insights are helpful for future campaigns.


Affordable: Email marketing tools help reach more audiences in less time and at an affordable price.\


Designing Mails: Well designed emails with catchy lines (like personalised emails) have higher conversion rates.

Testing Effectiveness: A/B testing in email marketing helps to check which campaign is performing better. By creating different versions of emails, you can analyse and monitor the effectiveness of the campaign and understand what is working for your target audience.


Email has become a popular marketing tool for business as it has the advantage of sharing information along with calls to action in one go. It is the most effective marketing channel as people use email more than any other social media platform. That is why building an email marketing campaign is more important than ever. If you want to learn more about Email Marketing you can check out Max Digital Academy’s Digital Marketing Course that provides in-depth knowledge to the students through their comprehensive and advanced curriculum.