How to Grow Your Email Lists with AI Chatbots
A good email list is a terrific tool for building your brand. Naturally, developing a reliable email list requires time and work.

The positive news Automated chatbots can assist you a little bit while streamlining the procedure. Yes, we're talking about those message/chat bubbles you often see on the homepage of a company website. Chatbots, however, are capable of much more.

Chatbots can be useful if you're serious about growing your email list while saving yourself some time. We'll go over the steps that you can take to use chatbots to expand your email list in this piece.

However, let's first gain a little more knowledge about ai chatbots and email marketing.

What is email marketing?

Having a thorough understanding of email marketing's purpose and scope might be beneficial. In either case, you'll be expanding your email list to support your marketing initiatives.

Email marketing is just the process of carefully sending communications to a subscriber list. These emails can tell your audience about new goods and services, exclusive deals, and other things while also giving them educational information.

In the end, an email campaign's objectives can include everything from raising brand awareness to generating sales.

Email marketing may be very powerful if done correctly. 79 percent of small firms feel email marketing is crucial to their business strategy, according to an AWeber poll.

What are AI chatbots?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is used by chatbots, which are software programmes that can converse with users, such as potential customers. On website landing pages, chatbots are frequently found. However, you may also find them in other programmes and on social media.

Businesses have just started to discover how effective employing chatbots to expand their email database can be.

The benefits of building your email list

Why, therefore, should you be so intent on expanding your email list? Focusing on the information:

Consumers' buying choices were reportedly impacted by emails by 59 percent.

Customers claim that they would rather be reached by brands via email, according to 61% of consumers.

And this makes sense, especially when you take into account how private emails are. Email evokes a conversational vibe more so than other marketing channels.

Your emails can be used to develop relationships with your consumers, enhance the reputation of your business, and win your customers' trust.

If your email list is active, you can reach a lot of your clients (or potential customers) at once in an efficient manner.

How can you grow your email list with chatbots?

Chatbots can save you a tonne of time and work when it comes to growing your email subscriber list because they are automated. You might think of chatbots as "simple" solutions that merely ask website users whether they need any assistance before disappearing. But a chatbot is actually far more versatile than that.

What are some strategies for using chatbots to expand your email list?

With a chat

It might seem a bit too obvious to say this, but there's more to it than that. The secret is to use a talk as a chance to collect leads. Ask for the consumer's email address directly when they contact a chatbot (or a potential customer).

This is a fantastic natural technique to obtain their email address. As the conversation progresses, you can also send a summary of it directly to their email.

Offer a discount

There is nothing wrong with a lead needing additional encouragement at times to give you their email address. After all, a lot of people are reluctant to divulge their email addresses until absolutely necessary.

Offering a visitor an unique price in return is a good approach to gain their email address.

For instance, you might programme your chatbot to detect when a customer is shopping on an e-commerce website. You can use the chatbot messaging to give them a discount on their purchase. The visitor would have to provide their email address to receive the coupon code. Afterward, you can send a one-time promotional code to their email immediately.

Provide a lead magnet

There are alternative rewards to think about providing in exchange for an email address for folks who are not internet shoppers. This is a fantastic chance, for instance, to make use of a lead magnet.

A user who is reading a blog post about a particular topic could be contacted by a chatbot. The bot may then request an email address in exchange for a free eBook (or similar lead magnet) on that subject. This can be a terrific way to use your current lead magnets without having to do anything.

Gamify your chatbot

Gamifying your chatbot is a different tactic to think about, since it can keep people interested and coming back for more. There are numerous ways to make a chatbot more game-like.

Think about, for instance, having your chatbot offer your user a quiz or survey. The results can be emailed to the user after finishing if they wish to view them.

Align your strategy with your landing page

Whatever tactics you employ to increase your email list utilising chatbots, it's critical to match each one with the specific landing page you've chosen. For instance, a chatbot on a home page shouldn't use the same techniques as one on your blog or product page.

Customizing your chatbots can really help in this situation.

For instance, an automated chatbot may present a discount or promotion to a consumer when they are interacting with the chatbot on a product page. A chatbot on a blog page might be more appropriate for gamification or lead generation, however.

The more effectively you can match the activities of your chatbot to those of your users, the more effective your list-building plan will be.

How to get started

As you can see, chatbots may assist in expanding your email list while also performing other useful tasks for your company. Still unsure on how to start developing your chatbot?

To get started, just follow to a few easy instructions.

Develop your chatbot strategy

Choose a chatbot provider that will meet your goals and budget as a starting point. It's time to develop your approach after you've made your choice.

Here are some inquiries to make of yourself:

What variety of chatbots will you require?

What location will they occupy?

Will you provide exclusive discounts?

Are you going to employ a lead magnet? What is the lead magnet, if applicable?

You also should think about the amount of interaction your chatbots will have with your users. Do you want, for instance, each site visitor to receive a proactive message from your chatbots? Or do you rather waiting for direct messages from people to your chatbot?

Keep in mind that these tactics may change depending on the user or page behaviour.

Create your chatbots

Once you're confident in your strategy, it's time to create your chatbot. With  AI Chatbots Course by SkillUp Online Learn how to create chatbots without writing code. Discover how to utilize IBM Watson and Watson Assistant to implement and deploy engaging chatbots.

You will discover in this course how to create interesting chatbots without having to write any code. You will investigate the planning, execution, testing, and deployment of interesting chatbots using IBM Watson's natural language processing capabilities. You will learn how to use Watson Assistant to build chatbots, and you'll use a WordPress plugin to install them on your own website.