Are poly bags manditory when shipping Amazon FBA?
Are poly bags necessary when shipping Amazon FBA? If you're like me, you're probably always looking for the best ways to pack and ship your Amazon FBA products. While the right poly bag can keep your items protected, there are plenty of other options. You can also make sure your FNSKU is unique and has a warning for suffocation. This will help prevent your products from being shipped in unsafe conditions.


Protect your products

Poly bags are an essential part of the Amazon FBA packaging process. They ensure that your items are clean and free of dirt and debris. Whether you are selling a single item or a full set, poly bags are an easy way to keep your product safe during shipping.

In addition to protecting your items from damage, poly bags also prevent spills. For instance, you may need to use a poly bag for small products like baby toys and jewelry. This is especially important if your product is liquid. Liquid items may be jostled by ramps, conveyor belts, and robots.

Unlike other types of packaging, poly Storage bags are meant to remain on the item as it is shipped to the end customer. So, you will want to choose a poly bag that is the right size. If you have a large item, you might need to wrap it in bubble wrap before placing it in a poly storage bag.

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Ensure that the FNSKU is unique

If you want to ship Amazon FBA, you need to make sure the FNSKU is unique. This will help prevent confusion and ensure that your products are labeled properly.

When you start a new product listing on Amazon, you are asked to enter the FNSKU. You can also generate one. Creating a FNSKU is easy.

In order to get an FNSKU, you need to sign up for a Seller account. Then you will be prompted to fill in the product details. Add the item's weight, dimensions, and images. Finally, you will be asked to add the product's price.

Once you have entered all the product details, you will be prompted to select the Create FNSKU button. From there, you will be directed to a page that displays the FNSKU and asks you to input the name of the manufacturer.

Although it is not a requirement to use an FNSKU, it is an important piece of information. It will allow you to easily trace your inventory throughout the Amazon FBA shipping ecosystem.

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Have a warning for suffocation

If you are shipping your products through Amazon FBA, you must ensure that they have a warning for suffocation. While this is not a law, it is essential for the safety of your customers. Failure to follow the rules can lead to customer complaints and may result in negative reviews.

The Amazon FBA requirements involve several items, such as labelling and boxing. Proper packaging prevents damaged products and wasting valuable materials. These requirements vary depending on the type of product you are shipping. For example, loose footwear must be packaged in shoe boxes.

Products that are being shipped as sets must also be labelled. Products with expiry dates must have the date written on the container. They must also be in a legible font.

Suffocation labels on poly bags are required by several states. Amazon does not require a specific type of bag, but they must be transparent and not protrude more than 3 inches beyond the product dimensions.

Alternatives to poly bags

If you're shipping products via Amazon FBA, you'll need to meet certain requirements. The specifics vary, depending on the type of product you're sending.

To be eligible for shipping, your items must have a scannable barcode. You can either use your own barcode or a barcode assigned to your inventory by Amazon FBA.

You will also need to ensure that your packaging meets special requirements. These include size, material, and labeling.

For temperature-sensitive products, Amazon has a special set of rules. You will also need to pack these items with an expiration date.

For small and fragile items, poly bags are often necessary. They help keep these items clean and dry. However, some sellers prefer to use a more environmentally-friendly alternative.

A common alternative to poly bags is bubble wrap. Bubble wrap is recyclable, but it isn't plastic-free. As such, it doesn't last long and may end up in landfills.

Polyurethane bags are another option. Although they can be expensive, they offer protection to your products.