6 Top cybersecurity tips for working from home or remote enterprise
Cybersecurity protects your company against cyber threats and enables you to operate remotely without interruptions. Read our blog for six tips for working from home

Cybersecurity tips for Working from home employees


Cybersecurity is vital to remote companies in today's digital world as it helps to protect your data from malware and other cyberattacks. Unlike working from the office, working from home presents more risks of cyber breaches. In a recent survey, 39% of employees admitted that their cybersecurity practices at home were less thorough than those from the office.

Additionally, insider attacks are more common with remote workers than in the office. This is because remote employees are likely to leave their devices exposed to scammers. For that reason, you'd want to establish ways that can enable you to ensure your company data is safe from cybercriminals. That said, here are the top six cybersecurity tips for remote enterprises:   

  1. Use a virtual private network (VPN)

Working remotely comes with numerous advantages, including working from any location. However, employees risk revealing their addresses to attackers using their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses when they work from anywhere. Fortunately, when you use VPN, you can cover your workers' IP addresses and stop hackers from accessing their location and data. A VPN forms a safe tunnel between your team members and your organization's server.

Ideally, a VPN works by setting up links between gadgets. All devices that link up to the VPN establish encryption keys. These keys are used to encode and decode every piece of information sent between the gadgets. This allows you to boost the security of your web session, enterprise file sharing, and sensitive data regardless of location.  

  1. Secure your devices with strong passwords

Passwords offer front-line security against unauthorized access to your private data and devices. Without a password, all your data will be available to everyone who tries to access it. Therefore, when creating your passwords, make them as strong as possible.

A weak password can expose your data to significant security risks. Attackers can find it easy to guess or brute-force, especially if the password is short. According to 2021 research by GoodFirms, 30% of data breaches were caused by weak passwords. Also, 45.7% of users keep the same password for different sites.

That said, here’s a quick guide to creating a secure password:

  • Make it at least 12 characters long
  • Use both lowercase and uppercase letters
  • Add special characters
  • Avoid using personal information like email address, date of birth, or easy digit combinations that anyone can guess.

Remember to change your password frequently and never use the same password for numerous applications.

  1. Use two-factor authentication

Cyberattack cases are on the rise as hackers come up with more advanced methods of accessing your devices. In 2021, the average number of cyberattacks and data breaches increased by 15.1% compared to 2020. For this reason, you need a better way to secure your devices and keep hackers away.   

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your online accounts. Unlike the usual login procedure that requires a username and password, 2FA requires additional credentials for someone to access your account. Usually, these other credentials are some things that belong to you, like a fingerprint, and without them, it's impossible to access your account. This makes it hard for cybercriminals to access your account using the stolen login information.     

  1. Educate your employees about cybersecurity

Negligence is among the significant contributors to cyberattacks. Over 40% of reported security breaches are caused by team member negligence. When your employees are unaware of cybersecurity, they won't pay much attention to the safety of their devices. For this reason, ensure you train your remote workers about phishing emails so they won't click on any email they receive.

Also, you can emphasize the importance of updating their systems and the effects of threats on your organization. This way, they can adhere to the best cybersecurity measures and protect their data remotely. 


  1. Be aware of phishing scams

One of the most common types of cyberattacks is phishing. This accounts for approximately three-quarters or 75% of all cyberattacks. Ideally, hackers will send you a message pretending to come from one of your team members or a reputable website. The message usually directs you to a fake website where you may need to enter your personal information, click a link, or download a malicious attachment.

Thankfully, when you're aware of such incidents, you'll always be alert and never accept being a victim. Here are some ways to spot phishing scams:

  • The email demands urgent action, like loss of opportunity, if you don't take immediate action. Attackers mostly use this trick to make you rush before taking time to read the email.
  • The email may contain suspicious links and attachments.
  • The message may request payment information, login details, or other personal data.
  • The message may have grammar errors, or the domain name may be misspelled.
  • The email may contain an unusual salutation.

If you notice these signs, don't open any links and attachments until you confirm it's from a legitimate source. Also, consider deleting the message to avoid accidentally opening it in the future. 

  1. Keep your software up-to-date

It's uncommon for one to ignore an update message that pops up on your screen. An outdated operating system and software have a significant impact on the security of your system. It generates a weak link in your system and a simple route for hackers.

However, with an updated design, you can mend security defects. You won't have any software vulnerabilities that may allow cybercriminals to access your sensitive information. This ensures your data is well protected.

In addition to improving security vulnerabilities, software updates can boost performance. Software developers may detect bugs in a program and may have to make the necessary changes to boost its functionality. You're sure to have the best experience when you obtain the new version.    


Remote working is arguably one of the most common norms globally. Although this system has numerous advantages, security is one of the biggest challenges you may face. Remember, cyberattacks can have tremendous effects on your business. Thus, you'd want to prevent these impacts using various cybersecurity practices.

Constantly updating your systems and using strong passwords can prevent cyberattacks. Also, using different passwords for each application and, most importantly, training your team members to be constantly vigilant for phishing scams would be helpful. Eventually, you'll run your remote business securely and successfully.