Can Alkaline Water Replace Filtered Water?
Due to its neutral pH, purified water may be used for various purposes other than being consumed

There's no simple solution to this issue, but you may learn more about the pros and cons of various water sources before settling on a choice for your family's drinking water. For instance, purified water (1) undergoes a rigorous purification procedure to eliminate potentially dangerous chemical components. Nicky Cade of The Greatist, writing with a licenced dietitian, says that "purifying water gets rid of all the stuff you probably don't want to be drinking: heavy metal traces, chlorine, and chemicals" (2). Healthy minerals like calcium and magnesium may be lost in the purifying process.


However, alkaline water undergoes a different procedure. A higher pH (about eight on the pH scale) and electrolyte minerals like calcium and magnesium are typical in this kind of water. Because of its higher pH, alkaline water may hold more beneficial minerals than regular tap water. Safe drinking water options include both filtered alkaline and purified water. A good alkaline water filter will keep these minerals in the water and may even add more to it to make it more alkaline.


What Does Filtered Water Do?

Due to its neutral pH, purified water may be used for various purposes other than being consumed. Its near-perfect chemical purity makes it useful in various scientific fields. You should also be fine with using it in aquariums or anywhere else. A pH-balanced solution is required.


Why Would You Want to Drink Alkaline Water?

Due to its higher pH, alkaline water is sometimes the best choice for uses other than drinking, but it's great for humans and pets. By improving oxygen flow and flushing the colon, alkaline water helps keep the body working smoothly. Caroline Scott, a nutritionist, says it also reduces acid reflux and heartburn. Furthermore, alkaline water detoxifies the body, soothes the stomach, and restores equilibrium. Alkaline water provides more physiological advantages than distilled water. 


Does TDS Increase in Purified Water?




Total dissolved solids (TDS) in purified water are often very low, if not nonexistent. According to a water quality expert from Montana State University, TDS is "the sum of all minerals, metals, and salts dissolved in the water". Some use benefits from this, but drinking water is not one of them. There is widespread agreement that total dissolved solids (TDS) levels should be used as a proxy for water quality. Since the TDS of cleaned water is lower, they believe it is safer for human consumption. The reality, however, is rather different. Alkaline water has a greater TDS than distilled water because it contains beneficial minerals like potassium and magnesium. These minerals contribute to the total dissolved solids count yet are good for you. As a result, more than TDS is needed to be a reliable method of gauging water safety.