Business owner's policy
Commercial property and general liability insurance are combined into a business owner's policy (BOP). Buying much insurance at once usually results in cost savings.

Commercial insurance coverage

Commercial property and general liability insurance are combined into a business owner's policy (BOP). Buying much insurance at once usually results in cost savings.

Why do company owners need insurance?

There are several situations in which a company owner's insurance is required, including ownership or lease of a commercial facility (BOP).

Whether tenants or owners, most small companies should have general liability insurance and commercial property insurance. Nevertheless, general liability coverage is often demanded by clients' contracts.

Small firms that interact with the public or possess expensive equipment might be advisable to invest in a BOP, even if such coverage is not mandated by law. In the event of an accident, this coverage will cover any resulting financial losses to the policyholder.

Will your company qualify if you apply for a business owner's coverage?

It is common to practise that a company must have the following:

  • The business world is safe
  • A workforce of less than one hundred
  • A yearly income of less than $1 million
  • A modest retail establishment

What exactly is covered by a company owner's policy?

General liability insurance and business property insurance (sometimes known as business hazard insurance) are the two main components of a company owner's policy. 

To the extent that a business has suffered property damage:

Suppose things like fire or theft destroy your company's property or the weather. In that case, the commercial property insurance component of a business owner's policy may assist in covering the costs of repairing or replacing it.

The furnishings and equipment essential to running a company are protected under this policy's business personal property coverage.

Together, they safeguard your company against financial loss in case of a lawsuit or damage to its property.