Here’s How to Boost Your Skin During the Dry Winter Months
For many parts of the country, dry air is a normal part of winter. Relying on certain skincare products can help make a difference. But it’s not just the skincare products that can help; it’s certain stand-out ingredients that can make the difference, like mango butter found in vanilla body butter. Here are a few ingredients to look for when looking for hydrating and moisturizing skincare products this winter.

For many parts of the country, dry air is a normal part of winter. Those who live where dry air is prevalent know it can leave their skin feeling dry and depleted. Relying on certain skincare products can help make a difference. But it’s not just the skincare products that can help; it’s certain stand-out ingredients that can make the difference. All kinds of plant-based butters hydrate and moisturize the skin. Vanilla body butter made with shea and mango butters, for instance, can be a wintertime treat for the skin. If you’re ready to take control over dry winter skin, here are a few ingredients to look for as you add more hydrating and moisturizing skincare products to your daily routine.

Three Restorative Plant-Based Butters

Mango, shea, and cocoa butters are a hydrating and moisturizing trio welcome in any skincare routine. All three butters can help infuse the skin with precious hydration. At the same time, they can help lock in hydration as they moisturize. Many skincare products contain one or two of these butters. And there are some with all three (and even a few that may have more plant-derived butters). Body butter is an excellent product that can easily contain these three butters. Almond and vanilla body butter can help give your skin a significant boost during the winter. Of course, there are plenty of other natural scents, but it’s hard to beat vanilla when it comes to delightful wintertime scents. Use body butter after a warm shower and let the butter trio help ease your dry skin troubles.

Don’t Overlook Tallow From Grass-Fed Cows

A big reason skin can feel dry during the winter comes down to moisture being wicked away by cold dry air. And it’s not just the cool, dry air that can leave your skin feeling dehydrated; it’s the dry indoor air, too. During the winter, indoor air can become dry and stale. From inside your home or at work, a day in a dry environment can leave your skin needing some TLC. As hydrating and moisturizing as mango, shea, and cocoa butters can be, there’s another ingredient that is intensely moisturizing. That ingredient is tallow from grass-fed cows. It might not be a plant-derived ingredient, but it’s packed with skin-loving compounds, like vitamins A, D, E, and K. You can find it in certain body butters, and it’s also in select deodorants. It blends well with natural and organic deodorant ingredients and can be a wonder for your underarms or wherever you may apply deodorant. Tallow from grass-fed cows shouldn’t be overlooked.

Select Botanical Oils Make a Difference, Too

There are a lot of plant-derived oils that are readily absorbed by the skin—and can help boost hydration and moisturization. These oils can include coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). And yes, these are also culinary oils. When used in skincare products, they can help give back to the skin in several different ways. Extra virgin olive oil, for instance, helps to deeply hydrate while restoring and fortifying the skin’s natural moisture barrier. Skincare products made with EVOO are excellent options for dry winter months. And, who knows? Maybe you can even find a body butter made with EVOO, plant-based butters, and tallow from grass-fed cows!

About Primally Pure

Are you ready to enter a new world of wellness? That’s what Primally Pure represents. They’re dedicated to crafting products for skin, hair, and whole-you wellness. Their products are made with natural ingredients chosen for their purity and potency. Discover the softness of Primally Pure’s Baby Soap Bar made with goat milk and shea butter. Or give back to your skin with the Almond + Vanilla Body Butter made with nourishing tallow from grass-fed cows. Find more ways to give back to your skin and hair with their deodorant and non toxic dry shampoo. And explore the possibilities of Primally Pure’s wellness tools, like their Gua Sha stone and dry brushes. If you’ve wanted to learn dry brushing face techniques, Primally Pure can help. Let Primally Pure be your destination for wellness.

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