The Hymen Reconstruction Procedure
Women must also meet specific cultural and societal requirements before they can begin this new phase. The most important requirement is for women to be 'pure.' Their virginity and the presence of the hymen are linked to their purity.

A hymen is a thin membrane found above the vaginal opening. When a girl or woman engages in sexual intercourse for the first time, it is commonly shaped like a ring and sheds blood. Bloodshed on the wedding night has long been thought to be a symbol of purity and virginity in women.

Local anaesthetic is commonly used for hymenoplasty or hymen repair surgery. This surgical treatment can be approached in two ways. These methods are detailed in the steps of the hymen reconstruction procedure listed below.


The Examination Procedures


The initial step is to locate the hymen that has burst. This is accomplished by magnifying the hymen as the various levels are identified. The major purpose of the surgery will be to bind the layers together with dissolvable sutures or removable stitches that will fall out after the hymen is fully healed.



It's also worth noting that the cosmetic surgeon will leave a little hymen opening open. This is done to aid in the flow of menstrual blood.

Hymenoplasty Surgery Techniques

As previously discussed, there are two methods for performing hymen repair surgery. The first is a simple hymenoplasty procedure. The remaining portions of the hymen are sewn together during this procedure.

This procedure is done under local anaesthetic and takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. After the surgery, the patient is held in the recovery room for around four hours.


The full hymenoplasty surgery is the second approach. A new hymen must be generated in this surgical procedure. The vaginal mucosal epithelium is used for this, and it may also include additional necessities such as tightening the vaginal canal or making the vaginal lips fuller.